Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Radiation, Ho!

today was my first day of radiation!

it really wasn't any big deal, i had already toured the clinic and met up with the doctor. i'm now an official part of the "lunch crew." we're all patients who are nowhere close to being critical or needing very much medical help, so they kind of hook us up and go eat lunch. ;p it's a little weird, but it's also nice not to be hovered over and have someone jab and prod you.

i sat down and told them where they could tap a vein easily, and they laughed and proceeded to screw it up 4 times before they finally got it. riiiight where i said they could. silly them.

they had a laptop i could rent, so i went online for a bit. the other people there seemed nice, but i was the new kid in the room so no one talked much. it seemed okay, though, everyone had brought something to keep them occupied and some were dozing.

so so far, my arm hurts a little and i'm feeling sluggish, but otherwise okay. i had pizza for dinner, though i wasn't able to eat much (just one half slice.)

i'm really thirsty, and have a tiny bit of a sour stomach. so far, not too bad.

and of course, all my hair is still here for now.

and i got the OK to get a new tattoo! as long as i get it fairly soon, before the treatment really starts to build, i should be fine. i'm getting a hot pink lady bug to honor one of my best friends, sheri, who died of ovarian cancer last wednesday. she always wanted one, so i'm going to get it FOR her.

thanks to everybody for your good thoughts....send cookies!

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