Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hey Cancer...

greetings to all!

as my appointment date nears, i get more and more nervous about it. it should be no big deal, but i guess this just confirms it and sets about a course of action that i know will be changing many aspects of my life.

and we all know how i just looooove change.

in the meantime, i'm trying to perfect a cancer mix cd that i can take with me to treatments and just generally annoy people with.

so far, i've got kanye west's "stronger" (n-that-that-that that don't kill me, will only make me stronger!). and helen reddy's "i am woman" because, hey, i am woman. and it's oddly and funnily empowering.

i also have donna summer's "macarthur park" because it's hilarious and it just keeps going forever, leaving me amused for at least 5 minutes.

i have yet to find any songs that say "cancer can suck it" or "cancer can lick balls." maybe i'm not looking hard enough...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Tom! Not that I can think of any particular stand-out piece right now - oh wait - maybe the one that starts out with that note we thought he wasn't really hitting without electronical support. Rahk on, cookie!!!!