Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Now Ain't That About A Bitch...

Cervicitis Overview

Cervicitis, a common infection of the lower genital tract, is the inflammation of the cervix (this is the neck and outlet of a woman's uterus).

Inflammation may be caused by infection from certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or by injury to the cervix from a foreign object inserted in the vagina, from birth control devices such as the cervical cap or a diaphragm, or by cancer.

Many cases of cervicitis go untreated because women who have the infection do not know they do. Often there are no obvious symptoms.

You may have an allergy to contraceptive spermicides or to latex in condoms that leads to cervicitis.

uh, hi?? i'm allergic to nonoxynol-9!!

If untreated, cervicitis may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain, spontaneous abortion, cervical cancer, or other complications during the delivery of a baby.

okay. so, it's possible that since i tested negative for HPV, the cause of my cancer is chronic cervicitis, which i didn't even know i had. and the cause of the cervicitis could be nonoxynol-9.

just something that blew my mind a little.

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