Wednesday, October 24, 2007


...i like heinz.

i kid, i kid.

the harvesting last friday went really well! usually they get about 6 eggs total, but from beautiful, bountiful ME they got 20. ten from each side and could easily have gotten more.

the procedure itself wasn't that painful (except for my belly button). it was laproscopic, i was numbed with local shots and had a shield up so i couldn't see anything, and the whole shebang lasted about ten minutes. not bad!

i did have to pay through the nose for storage of my kidsicles. (i named one frosty.)

i've been really tired lately, i think having three procedures done in a matter of weeks has begun to catch up with me. i'm tired and achey and i'm tired of all the drama at work and with certain friends who feel i'm not contacting them enough.

sorry, i try my best, but i've got ENOUGH on my plate without having someone carry a running tally of how many text messages i've sent them. (this does not apply to erin or colleen, of course. :))

the follow up meeting was in fact with the butcher lady.

to start things off, she assured me that they had removed all the cancer and precancerous spots from my cervix. yay! *takes a brief moment to tear up a post it and use it as confetti.*

next, she confirmed that i would be needing radiation and that i would be meeting with that doctor right after her meeting.

finally, she APOLOGIZED. she did! she said she didn't realize that i had chronic cervicitis, and that therefore i was much more sensitive than the average woman.

i'm still insulted that she thought i was faking it originally, but i could tell that this was a woman who does not apologize easily. it doesn't make anything OKAY, by any standards, but i do appreciate the apology. i felt i was owed at LEAST that.

she explained that under normal circumstances, they would just reschedule me for a pap in a year's time. however, she explained that she's more conservative than most doctors and would like to see me again in april for a follow up pap, and again in october. if those come back normal, i can go back to yearly.

i'm going to be doing radiation at the fertility clinic that i am already familiar with, for an hour a week each wednesday. i begin on halloween and i am due to stop on december 19th.

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