Sunday, November 11, 2007

How Ya Doing?

i think one of the hardest questions to answer right now is "how are you doing". there are so many responses:

ever see the pepto bismol commercials?

and of course, the standard answer: tired.

i am very, very tired. all the time.

i began losing hair last week, and noticed it first when i saw a sinkful of this:

thanks, i was using that. TO COVER MY HEAD WITH. this week, i lost some more and i'm left with two bald patches, both in the same spot on the opposite sides of my head:

and to top it off, this week i caught a cold from the little boogers i teach, who have been passing around this virus literally all year long amongst themselves. it makes me a little cranky because, you know, i'm supposed to be taking care of my health and all, and this really sucks. not only am i tired from radiation, i'm tired from a cold.

that's it. i'm wiping all of them down with lysol wipes.

also, i am allergic to the adhesive on band aids and medical tape. it makes for some good times:

they had ghetto-rigged an ace bandage for me, but it bugged me so much i decided just to deal with the bandaid burns. my stepmom bought me some aloe vera gel to use on it, so it's not so bad.

my dad has been really good with checking in with me to see how i'm feeling, and he's noticing things on his own. such as the fact that my appetite comes and goes, or he'll see when i'm tired and suggest i go lay down. little things that aren't pushy, but suggestive.

it's not so bad, i have this long weekend (woooooot! veterans day!) to recover from this cold and then it'll be a short week with the kiddos. then a normal weekend, then an EXTREMELY short week with the kiddos and then it's thanksgiving, followed by the festival of rahnaukkah.

because, you know, instead of one day of presents, i have eight crazy nights.

sometimes i feel really alone as i go through things, because as well meaning as people are, they can still say some hurtful things or notice things that don't make me feel too pretty ("is that a new bald spot?").

but i do have a great support system.

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